When I was in Miami being a non New Yorker I got to enjoy the simple things you don't get to in New York like strip malls, parking lots, food courts, malls, strip malls, shopping centers, Publix, P.F. Changs, Cheesecake Factory and many other sources of enriching Florida culture. When I was in Target I impulsively bought the Beatles White Album. Not such a big risk I know. So there are tons of songs on this album that I'd never heard. Is it just me? Here are two of my favorite plus an additional Pixies track. Happy Friday Fuckers.
(sorry, technical difficulties with the beatles) grrr
The Velveteen is where I share with you my profound love for music. I encourage you to support the artists I preview. These tracks are posted for evaluation and sampling purposes only. Downloading any of these songs may be an infringement of copyrights. This project promotes the purchase of any song, album or merchandise for your personal use.
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