Last time I posted a Mark Ronson track, some omnipresent blog god noticed and flagged then later removed the post. (im serious) So, for the sake of being discreet, I titled this post LEGIT instead of MARK RONSON MARK RONSON MARK RONSON! His new album finally dropped with The Business International and so far, this is my favorite track off the record. It's interesting, I'll say that. And I think he's really stretching the genre...what genre that is, I'm not so sure.
mark ronson and the business international featuring rose elinor dougall and andrew wyatt / somebody to love me download here
Another ssick track off of LCD Soundsystem's new album This is Happening. These songs are over 8 minutes each, they are like mini-movies with a beginning, middle and end. The production is brilliant and I cannot wait to see them live in NY and Miami. Let this track grow on you, it gets better with frequency.
Bizzle, one of my biggest fans and haters all at the same time, just sent me a link to this. If only everyone thought of me when they heard good music. Apparently, the Lissie cover of Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness has caused quite a stir in the cover song community. This version, recorded by Barbara, a fusion band from Los Angeles, is equally if not more enjoyable and you'll wanna play it from beginning to end...a few times.
barbara / pursuit of hapiness (kid cudi cover) download here
Taking the red eye anywhere is always beneficial because it forces you to dig deep through an iPod for chill beats and comforting treats. While I'm typically rocking out in the terminal before I board, this trip was different post the gallon of airport pinot noir. I needed to relax and this song did just that. I'm back from the bachelor party. I'm tan and cracked out- which are both ideal blogging conditions. This is 1517 by The Whitest Boy Alive and it's perfect.
Last night, Ra Ra Riot performed not for the first time at my downtown favorite, Bowery Ballroom. I forgot what it looked like inside, but my date reminded me. After a shot of Jack and a few nolita bumper sticker installations, I was ra ra ready. What an amazing group of musicians. The violinist, (who looks like Lykke Li) the chelloista, and everyone else up there was so fresh. I must say a tame show overall, so much so that I felt like reading Catcher in the Rye in a cardigan after the encore, but instead I went to Pravda for pizza, french fries + kettle one. I've attached a unique recording of Boy, my favorite song off their new album and last night's show opener. Do you notice how much attention I've been giving the blog in the past however many hours equals three days? I'm on a redeye to the Dominican Republic tonight, so I'll be out of commission until about Christmas, because I'll be recovering starting Sunday when I get back from Jack's bachelor party. hawl. urr.
ra ra riot / boy (daytrotter session) download here
That's right. My boy Tal just sent the tip my way. And now it's all yours. Unbelievable cover. This chic is bad ass. Not to mention the original by Kid Cudi is of my favorite songs of the year.
lissie / pursuit of happiness (kid cudi cover) download here
Good morning. This is a must have acoustic version of an old Cardigans song which most of us first heard on the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack circa 1868. I'm wide awake and it's not even 7 AM. Yes, I slept. Will post pics from Ra Ra Riot later, but I wanted to share this with any and all early risers. A not so oldie but a damn fine goodie.
I posted some Lissie magic a few months ago- a very cool acoustic cover of Lady Gaga actually. I'm sure ya'll remember it. Lissie's from the Midwest which means she knows lots of nerds. She is not one of those nerds. This chic should be around for a while and it feels good to know she's just getting started. Nothing not to love about this track. It's off her debut EP Why you Runnin?
Ok my friend just asked me "Todd, would you pay fifty bucks for LCD tickets?" and my answer is ummm hell yes. Their new album is brilliant, and this has to be my favorite track so far. It's like 4 songs in one, 9 minutes, so legit. Not gonna lie, the lapse between albums was rather long, but I guess it was wurfitz. LCD is PEE I EM PEE.
This song is way overdue. It's by Delta Spirit and it's basically amazing - in it's own way. The lyrics especially. If you like Local Natives you'll like these dudes, also from California. I've been enjoying this song since the beginning of summer (which according to new yorkers is over) but I always say summertime is a state of mind. Fuck a calendar!
Based out of Brooklyn, Boy Crisis was once declared 'the absolute worst band in the world' by a journalist at Pitchfork Media. Seems pretty harsh, considering how much I like this song. It gets good, so be patient. Catch them live at Brooklyn Bowl 10/9 and at the Highline 10/19
While Wolfgang Amadeus was easily one of the year's best albums, don't think these Frenchys are done yet. They are in the studio recording their new record, and while I randomly listen to all of their music, I wanted to make sure everyone else is too. This song is off of their latest, but went a bit under the radar.
Moby was always cool and his music is always interesting. This song is off an older album and I heard it the other night playing in the background of a club scene in a random Gwyneth Paltrow and Joaquin Phoenix film called Two Lovers. Little bit of lounge, little bit of hip hop.
Made my debut this Friday night as a DJ and loved every minute of it, naturally. Got a great response, spread the velveteen love all over the place, and hopefully I'll be coming to a party, bar, or event near you sometime soon. Mad love to whoever came to hang out with me while I got sort of wasted doin my thing. Because my sources for music are never ending and always multiplying, they are sort of like super powers - uncontrollable, unpredictable, and pretty fuckin awesome. Ha! Anyway, this song made its way to me through a girl named Katie Witkin who sends her people a blast every Monday with a list of downloadable latests and greatests. If you like what you hear, I can tell her to add your name to her blast. It's quite legit.
Come show some love this Friday night at INVENTORY NYC on 237 LAFAYETTE - there will be multiple photo exhibits from two sick photographers, a customized shred/stain/dye/rip your t shirt stand, open bar and music by me. starts at 5:30, ends at who knows. See the NY POST link below, look under WHISKEY: velveteen ny post link
The Velveteen is where I share with you my profound love for music. I encourage you to support the artists I preview. These tracks are posted for evaluation and sampling purposes only. Downloading any of these songs may be an infringement of copyrights. This project promotes the purchase of any song, album or merchandise for your personal use.